The MTA Weighing Group of companies, with over 220 years of combined existence, offers you one of the largest, oldest, most experienced, and most professional scale suppliers and weighing group in the Central and Southeastern United States, accumulating more than 930 years of experience.

Our fleet of 60+ service vehicles includes eleven heavy duty Test Trucks, each having a gross weight exceeding 45,000 lbs., and each carrying in excess of 24,000 lbs. of known weight. Our combined service fleet provides total State Certified weight capacity exceeding 325,000 lbs.

The MTA Weighing Group is a licensed contractor in Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee.

Talk To A Weighing Expert

Contact our Jonesboro, AR weighing location

Our staff of fifty-five plus stands ready to respond to your every weighing problem and requirement. We can provide the most cost-effective solutions on everything from Force Measurement Testing Equipment and Laboratory Scales to Truck Scales and Railroad Track Scales. We also offer 24 hour / 7 day a week service in case of an emergency.